
Completed projects:
- LED street lighting
- Office building lighting
- Contract management: private and public (over 100 clients and savings of more than 2 GW)
- Architectural lighting
- Procurement from electricity and gas exchanges
- Consumption decrease: replacement of energy-consuming equipment
- Innovation Norway (Bucharest) – „Electrification Call 2020”: Electrification of households in areas where either in areas here connection to the grid is not economically feasible, or where the targeted households cannot afford the connection fee.
- ”Climate & Energy Planning under the Romanian Presidency and Beyond”, București 2020: Romania’s proposal to the European Commission addressing the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, for the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan
- The Institute for Public Policy and ENEL – “Access to energy and tackling energy poverty” - Timișoara, Călărași, 2018: following a complex analysis, which included both quantitative and qualitative data, problems in the field of access to electricity in rural areas have been identified and some public policy directions have been drafted for the authorities, based on the conclusions of discussions with specialists in the field, but also with local public authorities and concerned citizens.
- The Institute for Public Policy /The Institute/Electrica – “Illuminated houses in the Creative District”, Bucharest, 2018: A project financed within Electrica’s grant program, “Electrica puts Romania in a different light”, which consisted of the illumination of two buildings, in order to raise awareness to uninhabited houses, whose cultural and economic value is not acknowledged as it should be, and also to strenghten the importance of including these buildings in the cultural, economic and social cycle.
- The Institute for Public Policy/ Association of Romanian Municipia – presentation held within the “Joint Public Procurement of Energy” workshop, Bucharest 2017
- CEZ – „Energy for profit”, Constanța, Galați, Brașov, Ploiești, 2016: presentations held within the information campaign organized by CEZ Vânzare in 10 towns countrywide, on topics of interest to households, about the benefits and recommendations for concluding an advantageous electricity supply contract and also on the energy efficiency solutions available for them.
- Partnerships with large energy companies, in order to implement strategical projects for the improvement of the quality and access to utilities.

- State companies
- Private companies
- Mayories
- Hospitals
- Office buildings
- Sports centres